tion to unseen territory,” Thompson continues. “There’s been a challenge put on the service providers to keep up with the producing side of things; to meet producers’ expectations and help advance their well designs and production profiles as they’ve taken to pushing the enve- lope on shale gas and oil production.We knew that some of the older equipment that’s avail- able to the market has a very narrow applica- tion and capacity in servicing the wells of today. That carved out our niche opportunity. So, we put some state-of-the art equipment together that is designed with all of those challenges in mind, and we have been focused on delivering a premier service offering to our customers.” “The shale developments have been un- WISE INTERVENTIONS SERVICES INC. derway for a number of years,” he explains. “So, these wells that have been drilled in the shale basins are starting to reach a maturity age, where they’re requiring different types of services. And because they’re drilled to deeper depths and they’re more technically challeng- ing, it has put pressure on the services compa- nies to deliver those types of services and reach those goals that the producers have.Our compet- itive edge is that we have modern, fit-for-purpose equipment to achieve those goals,where our competition has older, legacy type equipment that is considered to be outside of the operating enve- lope of what today’s requirements are.” However, even with the best-in-class equipment and technology, coupled with a team of compe- tent professionals,Thompson reports that in 2014, only two years after launch, his company suffered what he calls “the mother of all downturns in the oil and gas sector.The market conditions have been very tough,”he laments.“Pre downturn, we were as high as 225 employees; throughout the downturn,we were as low as 50 employees; right AT A GLANCE WISE INTERVENTIONS SERVICES INC. WHAT: A provider of oilfield services and solutions WHERE: Calgary, Alberta WEBSITE: www.wiseisi.com
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