
5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 OZARK , ALABAMA Sports and art enthusiasts aren’t left out either. The historic Eagle Stadium, one of the oldest baseball fields in Alabama, promises a nostalgia-laden game experience. Ozark Leisure Services also offers a variety of sporting options from soccer to swimming. Additionally, there is the Ozark Civic Center, a spacious venue that can accommodate 4,000 people for events and gatherings. The Ann Rudd Art Center and the Flowers Center for Performing Arts offer an array of artistic opportunities. As the economic heart of Dale County, Ozark is a hub of business and industry, striking a balance between its rich historical identity and the modern economic landscape. “We’re in charge of recruiting industrial and retail businesses,” shares Holle Smith, the President of the Ozark-Dale County Economic Development Corporation. “Aviation is a target industry, but we also aim to attract and support diverse businesses in the area.”