
5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 NEENAH, WISCONSIN a global electronics manufacturing services company. In working with these companies, we’ve created a symbiotic relationship where their success leads to the success of the city.” In pursuit of its shared goals with the companies that call Neenah home, Schmidt stresses the city’s pro-business mindset and its understanding of what they need to survive and thrive. Key in the 21st century is the ability to move goods, resources, and workers within a sustainable and reliable infrastructure. Schmidt explains: “Neenah is strategically located along Interstate 41,. It’s a major connector that links Neenah to Milwaukee and Madison and beyond. In addition, the Canadian National Railway, which provides rail access from Minnesota to Chicago. We care about our strategic location and look for ways to improve on that.” “As we plan for growth in the future, infrastructure is a major component of that,”