
4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 is to support the local business community, while attracting new businesses that will help complement and diversify its economy. “We find the most ‘bang for your buck,’ is in working with our local businesses, many of which have been in the city since it incorporated 150 years ago,” he states. “These are businesses that the city has formed relationships with and have partnered with in their growth and expansion and adaptation over the years.” “Neenah started out focused on the paper industry; it’s what made Neenah and most of the Fox cities here in this part of Wisconsin,” Schmidt continues. “Over the last 30 years, the paper industry has declined, seeing a shift to other type of manufacturing and industry. K-C went from selling paper products to consumer goods; Menasha Corporation started off making wooden pails and now is a leading manufacturer of corrugated and plastic packaging; Jewelers Mutual is one of the largest jeweler insurers in the country; Plexus Corporation started off with employees from K-C that spun off to create