
10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Alta Resources Alta Resources is a global leading provider of business-process outsourcing for many of the world’s best-known brands in a variety of industries. Alta helps clients improve and better manage their customer experiences across every touch point, ultimately delivering results that provide sales growth and cost savings. n T. Wall Enterprises Mgt, LLC With its history of innovation, from Kimberly- Clark back in the 19th century, to emerging high technology companies in the 21st, there should be no doubt that economic growth in the City of Neenah is likely to proceed apace. Throw in its low crime rate, its high quality of life, and its abundant recreational amenities and you have a recipe for continued population growth, as well. All in all, for Neenah, Wisconsin, the future looks as bright as running water beneath a noonday sun.