
9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 NEENAH, WISCONSIN These include various historic buildings; the iconic Neenah Lighthouse at Kimberly Point; 7,478 feet of shoreline; two boat launches; one outdoor swimming pool complex; 17 tennis courts; one archery range; eight ball diamonds; two basketball courts; three ice rinks, including the popular downtown Plaza Ice Rink; 16 soccer fields; four volleyball courts; 12 playgrounds; plus trails, fishing decks, sled hills, and various other recreational facilities, most especially, Lake Winnebago, the largest inland lake in the state at seven miles wide and thirty miles long that contains one of the largest walleye fisheries in the country and the largest population of sturgeon in North America. “In the winter, Lake Winnebago freezes over,” says Schmidt. “You can drive your truck out there, cut a six-foot hole in the ice, and spear a sturgeon as tall as your body. People find that fascinating and unique.” Complementing its already extensive public spaces is the city’s plan to re-develop and upgrade a 30-acre site on the southern tip of Little Lake Butte des Morts, known as Arrowhead Park, with shoreline restoration; new natural environments for birds, native plants, and insects; plus new public buildings, a multifaceted entertainment area with artwork and active play equipment, and new walking paths and recreational water amenities for its human population. In addition, since the site is adjacent to Downtown Neenah, there is the possibility for the establishment of a mixed-use neighborhood along the perimeter of the park, sometime in the future. Indeed, both Schmidt and Hanneman agree that new housing construction is a key focus for the city, going forward. “Local businesses’ continue to struggle to attract employees,” Schmidt maintains, “whether it’s a high-end executive at Plexus Corporation or a welder for a local manufacturer. We are trying to diversify our housing options. Historically Neenah has been mostly single-family residential. Over the last five years, we’ve seen an increase in multi-family.” “It’s been our goal for a long time to have more residential in and near the central city and in the last year, two large residential complexes opened: Solaris on Main and 201 West,” Hanneman adds. “Those two apartment complexes will be creating that 24/7 live, work, play environment so that people can take advantage of the restaurants and coffee shops and retail establishments and all the events that happen in the central city. It also gives residents the opportunity to be on the water and have some great views. We’re excited that we have that atmosphere in our central city and can continue to grow going forward.”