Intl Association of Airport Executives

2 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 AAE Canada (International Association of Airport Executives Canada) was established in 1994 in response to the Federal Government’s National Airports Policy (1994). This policy started the process of the federal government divesting itself of ownership of airports in Canada. These airports were offered to provincial and local governments, airport commissions, private business or other interests, in that order. However, the Federal Government did maintain ownership of the National Airport System (NAS) airports, leasing the land to not for profit corporations that would own and operate them. With the federal government no longer operating the country’s airports, they would no longer be providing training to the professionals that managed airports, but would only be a regulator. Seeing the need for a continuation of training for airport professionals, IAAE Canada was formed. IAAE Canada is a member of the International Association I FLYING HIGH NTO 2023 AND BEYOND ASSOCIATION OF AIRPORT EXECUTIVES