
8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 An issue often overlooked in the narrative of economic development is the matter of childcare. In Fairfield, however, the city has taken a proactive approach to address this challenge. Laraby recounts how in 2017, following feedback from employers across sectors, it became clear that the lack of access to quality, affordable childcare was a barrier to attracting and retaining a workforce. The city embarked on a data-driven initiative, starting with a market feasibility study that revealed a shocking shortage of over 500 childcare spaces in the county. A 22-person steering committee composed of community leaders devised a strategic plan. The plan focused on expanding existing childcare centers, helping home providers start or expand, and creating a new childcare center if necessary. The initiative was met with overwhelming success, significantly impacting the community’s childcare landscape. Laraby elaborates, “In total, we’ve had an impact of creating or retaining over 400 childcare spaces in our community.” As a part of the initiative, a collaboration of businesses, organizations, and individuals came together to raise $4.8 million to construct a new 14,000-square-foot childcare center capable of accommodating an additional 185 children. In the heart of every great venture, you will find partnerships that serve as the bedrock of success. Fairfield’s childcare initiative is no different. A vast network of more than 50 partners came together to transform the city’s childcare landscape. Two organizations stand out as the linchpins of the project: Fairfield Economic Development Association and Early Childhood Iowa for Iowa, Jefferson, and Keokuk Counties. These organizations acted as project managers, orchestrating the collaboration and pouring an estimated $500,000 of in-kind contributions into the initiative. “I often refer to it as the glue of the overall initiative and bringing people together and facilitating it,” Laraby shares. Yet the power of this initiative lies in its