
6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 “The addition of the trail will finally connect the south portion of our community to the loop trail,” Carlson explains, highlighting the city’s commitment to walkability, outdoor recreation, and sustainability. While Fairfield is not currently a hotbed for 5G technology, it boasts a commendable accolade. Carlson reveals, “We’re recognized as one of the most connected cities in the U.S., with high- speed internet available to a large portion of our community,” quite an achievement for a city of Fairfield’s size and location. Infrastructure-wise, Fairfield is far from standing still. “We are successfully navigating an EPA compliance order to remove sanitary sewer overflows in our system,” Carlson shares. The city is in the third stage of a four-phase process that includes expanding the sanitary sewer plant to handle overflows and provide ample room for growth. Fairfield is ready for substantial residential and commercial development for the