
10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n McClure https://mcclurevision.com/ n Vastu Partners LLC. www.vastupartners.com eyeing a potential art project that promises to add a dash of creativity and color to Fairfield’s aesthetic. Carlson highlights a fundamental principle driving the city’s forward momentum, “City officials are constantly using data to make decisions instead of only listening to the squeaky wheels” Laraby adds two more feathers to Fairfield’s cap — a new business and industrial park, another successful public-private partnership, and an ambitious housing study to build 220 new homes over the next decade. “Our private partners are very interested in their investment in Fairfield in terms of their business and their employees, so they’re willing to participate in community growth projects,” he notes, reinforcing the spirit of collaboration that underpins Fairfield’s growth. As the town continues to grow and evolve, it’s clear that the future of Fairfield is bright. Fueled by a potent blend of collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and a commitment to community development, the city is poised for a promising future. The story of Fairfield is still being written, and each new day brings fresh opportunities to add another vibrant chapter to its ongoing tale.