
9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 FAI RFI ELD, IOWA breadth of support. Several vital partners stepped up to the plate with significant contributions to the capital campaign. Cambridge Investment Research donated $1.25 million, while Dexter Laundry and Agri Industrial Plastics each contributed $125,000. The Greater Jefferson County Foundation added $250,000 to the funding pot. However, the support didn’t stop at the community level. Iowa’s state recognized this initiative’s importance and made a considerable investment through multiple programs, estimated to be around $1.5 million. Fairfield’s childcare initiative is, at its heart, a story of partnership and community - a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together for a common cause. Mayor Boyer outlines her top priorities moving forward into the latter half of 2023 and beyond. “We’ve got a lot of balls that we’re juggling, and certainly infrastructure is part of that. It’s going to be a long construction season,” she shares with a sense of urgency, her eyes on the prize. Housing initiatives are also at the forefront of the mayor’s mind. She hopes these will be well underway by year’s end, again underlining the city’s commitment to teamwork and collaboration. “All of that is done through this collaborative piece. Josh is so important in that,” she adds, highlighting the role of Laraby in these pivotal projects. Beyond the essential services and amenities, Fairfield’s leadership is also focused on enhancing the city’s quality of life. Exciting additions are in store for the Parks Department, including public restrooms in two parks and a new community garden. The city is also