Lebanon, New Hampshire

companies such as Hypertherm, which designs and manufac- tures advanced plasma, laser, and waterjet cutting systems; Mascoma Corporation, a biofuel company; Timken Aero- space; Fuji Digimatic; and the state’s highest concentration of high tech businesses; a large portion of Upper Valley residents travel to the Lebanon area for work. “This is also the hub for mass transit in the entire Up- per Valley,” says Shaun Mulholland, Lebanon’s new City Manager, who came onboard several months ago. “They all terminate right here. People park in our municipal parking area on the other side of City Hall and they take public transportation to work at the hospital or go to Dartmouth College in next-door Hanover.”According to Mulholland, Lebanon has “arguably, the best public tran- sit system in the state.” In fact, the area’s Advance Transit bus line offers free transportation to the neighboring destinations of West Lebanon, Enfield, Canaan, Hanover, and White River Junction, as well as offering DHMC park- ing lot shuttles from stops in the outer parking lots to the entrance of the Medical Center. After arriving in Lebanon, Mulholland had several items on the top of his agenda. One was to carry out the city’s 2014 Downtown Visioning Study and Tunnel Project which, among many other initiatives, is eval- uating the structural needs of the tunnel beneath the pedestrian mall and parking area. “We are in the process of creating a TIF (Tax Increment Financing) District to reconstruct our down- town area and allow for additional growth,” he reports. “We have some plans to change traffic patterns and we’ve been adding new restaurants and coffee shops.We’re doing a sewer separation project, so when we’re doing a street for that, we’re actu- ally upgrading the entire street.We have a complete streets policy; we’re building sidewalks if they weren’t there before, and we replace all the water and sewer lines all at the same time.We’re widening roads, also. So there’s a lot of activity that’s be- LEBANON, NEWHAMPSHIRE gun and will continue as we redevelop the downtown area.” “On top of that, we’re also adding an Arts District in the same space, which, we suspect, will be a large economic boon to the area,” Mulholland contin- ues. “We have an opera house, which is in the same building as the City Hall; and across the Green we have the Upper Valley Music Center, which is very active. On the other side of the Green, we have the AVA Arts Gallery, which is pretty large. So we already have all types of arts right around our Green.We want to enhance those and we want to put arts along the Mascoma Greenway, which runs behind all of that.” From primary to specialty care, Dartmouth-Hitchcock knows that having a compassionate health care team nearby is important. With 30 locations across Northern New England, you can find doctors you trust with all your family’s needs. Healthy starts here, and it starts now at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. Find your provider at www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org/findaprovider.html The way to care for the Upper Valley starts at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. Lebanon | Manchester - Bedford | Concord | Nashua Keene | New London | Bennington,VT | Windsor,VT Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital’s Multi-Specialty Clinic, a D-H Affiliate