Superior North Catholic District School Board

to use their facilities. Students also volunteer at long-term care homes and hospitals. “Yes, we’re an academic organization and academics are extremely important to us,” depicts Martin. “But it’s also important that our students know how to be responsible citizens when they leave our doors. The future of our small communities depends upon that piece.” A VISION FOR THE FUTURE The Superior North Catholic District School Board is committed to an inclusive approach that focuses on the safety, well-being, and holistic development of its students. Looking ahead, Martin says, “One of the pillars of our strategic plan is ‘Focus on the Future’. So, that is something that we keep at the forefront all the time. It’s important to have that mindset when we’re coming up with programming, so we can continue to use our funds sustainably and effectively.” Biggs says his goals in the coming years include the completion of a $2.8 million addition and renovation of St. Hilary School in Red Rock, which encompasses the introduction of a Native Studies and Learning classroom, sensory space, and a designated French learning area. He also anticipates a continued focus on energy conservation initiatives, noting, “In the next year, we hope to have a small solar project at one of our schools to show students what can be had by doing this. It’ll not only help our energy costs, but it’ll be a good learning tool.” Expanding breakfast programs to ensure no student starts the day hungry is also top of mind. For Vasanelli, the growth of secondary school credits, completion of infrastructure projects, and the wellbeing of students and staff are all top priorities. Managing a system that puts people over everything else is key to effective decision-making. She points out,“Our main value is our students. We want caring teachers and staff who will help our kids develop into good, caring individuals, especially at a time when we see so many things going on in the world that are not okay. We’re just trying to make sure that our graduates turn out to care and act.” 9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07 SUPERIOR NORTH CDSB