Superior North Catholic District School Board

to inspire spiritual growth within an inclusive and respectful environment and to graduate students who have the knowledge, skills, and competence to affect change.” Meaningful education transforms and we keep that thought at the forefront. “Our mission statement says it all, ‘Together, We Educate Heart, Mind, and Soul.” Along with this, Assistant Superintendent, Christopher Martin, asserts, “We have to keep equity at the forefront, making sure that we’re providing opportunities for all of our students to be successful in anything that they want to try and do.” STUDENT-CENTERED AND TEACHER SUPPORTED At the heart of the district’s teaching philosophy is a student-centered approach. “That starts with the relationship that our educators have with the students and with their families. It’s about knowing our students deeply, in an ongoing way, to make sure that we’re providing the support, the materials, the expertise, to make sure that we can move every student from their point A to their individual point B,” Martin depicts. He underscores the significance of what the board terms, ‘Teaching Excellence’, which is outlined in their strategic plan. Professional development for teachers is a priority, and Superior North Catholic District School Board supports ongoing learning, encouraging educators to engage in both boardprovided and self-guided professional development. “We want to make sure that we have very wellrounded and professional teachers and educators in front of our students,” he remarks.Vasanelli believes that life-long learning is essential not just for teachers but all who work in the system, including superintendents and managers. INFRASTRUCTURE AND SAFETY Barry Biggs, Plant and Field Services Manager, emphasizes the board’s focus on creating optimal learning environments by directing funding to areas of priority. Over recent years, significant investments have been made in safety infrastructure, as well as improvements to interior and exterior functions and aesthetics. 3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07 SUPERIOR NORTH CDSB