Prescott ON

do quite often. Recently, the town built a brand new arena at the Seymour Recreation Complex, called the Alaine Chartrand Community Centre, named after the two-time Canadian national figure skating champion, who also happens to be a hometown heroine. The new arena has a single ice pad and seating for 800, a walking track, and community rooms. While the $13.2 million cost for the arena’s construction is being split between the federal and provincial governments who are kicking in $9.7 million, and Prescott, which will pay $3.5 million, the annual $200,000 operating costs will be covered by Prescott,Augusta, and Edwardsburgh/Cardinal based on the percentage of their populations, since their residents will also be using the facility. “We truly appreciate the partnership we have with Augusta and Edwardsburgh/Cardinal to make it come to fruition,” Armstrong states. Prescott is also home to the Canadian Coast Guard Ship Griffon, a high endurance multi-tasked vessel and light icebreaker. Completed in 1970, the Griffon provides icebreaking services along eastern Lake Ontario and upriver along the St. Lawrence River to Montreal.“The Coast Guard has been a very good community partner and we’re working together on several projects,” Shankar relates.“Right now, we’re trying to improve the garden inset around the Coast Guard base because it’s on King Street, which is a main street, and it’s visible to everyone. So, we’re trying to beautify that.” New 6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07