North Dundas ON

on Main Street, there’s food, vendors, seniors dancing, and kids enjoying the music. It’s not strictly for the motorcyclists, it’s for the whole community.” INFRASTRUCTURE FOR GROWTH As North Dundas continues to grow, substantial investments in infrastructure are underway. $32 million has been allocated over the next few years to support water and wastewater enhancements in the township. “This investment is part of the big four infrastructure projects that North Dundas is hoping to get done by the end of 2025,” expands de Haan. He details a $4.75 million investment to reconstruct the Main Street pumping station and force main in downtown Winchester and a $13 million lagoon upgrade in another area of the village. “That’s where sewage treatment occurs for the village of Winchester.That’s a large project that’s underway right now, being worked on by Tomlinson,” he reports. Along with these, North Dundas is working on a $5.2 million water reservoir in the community of Chesterville, in partnership with Louis Bray Construction, as well as investing $8.3 million in the establishment of a new groundwater well to increase water capacity for both Chesterville and Winchester. de Haan highlights the necessity of these projects, sharing, “We’ve reached the limit of growth in our serviced villages right now, because we have reached our capacity for water and wastewater. There are a number of developers that are knocking on North Dundas’ door because they are ready to go. It is incumbent on the township to take those proactive steps to invest in this infrastructure so that we can support the demand for housing.” North Dundas, like much of Eastern Ontario, is also benefiting from an extensive fiber expansion, ensuring high-speed internet is available to support residents, remote work and business operations. “We’re in a very enviable position in terms of being able to provide that critical piece of personal infrastructure that people need, to essentially work and survive in the world anymore,” de Haan asserts. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT North Dundas is experiencing a housing boom, as 5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07 NORTH DUNDAS, ON