Midwest Industrial Supply Inc.



Midwest Industrial Supply, a pivotal player in northern Canada’s aviation infrastructure, specializes in maintaining and enhancing unpaved gravel runways essential to remote communities. These runways serve as the lifelines for over 90,000 medevac flights annually and ensure the delivery of crucial supplies and services to communities supporting residents’ day-to-day lives in these isolated areas. E FUTURE OF ADA’S AVIATION E Leaders in cuttingedge technology and collaborative solutions to support remote Canadian communities. 2 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07

For the past 25 years Midwest has worked alongside, learned essential requirements from, and been guided by gravel airfield operators, airport authorities, airlines operating on gravel runways, civil engineering firms, and the organizations who are stewards pf the aviation infrastructure including Northern Air Transport Association Canada (NATA) and Transport Canada. Robert Vitale, CEO and founder, passionately describes the company’s niche.“Air traffic is the Trans-Canada highway of the North,” he explains. “These runways are more important than the highway system because everyone relies on their limited services.” The challenges faced by the northern aviation sector are multifaceted, from maintaining runway safety to adapting to changing climate conditions. “The airlines operating on the runways deal with various safety and maintenance issues,”Vitale notes. He highlights the increasing complexities brought about by shorter winters and longer summers. “Winters used to ensure frozen, solid runways. Now, with longer summers and more thawing periods, payload issues arise. Aircraft can’t carry as much freight in or out on softer runways.” Midwest Industrial takes these evolving challenges head-on, aiming to enhance the quality of life for Canadian communities. “Our mission is to bring the greatest possible positive impact to these unpaved runways,” Vitale asserts. This dedication encompasses the operational aspects and ensuring reliable medevac operations, which are critically influenced by runway conditions. ENHANCING RUNWAY STABILITY IN HARSH CONDITIONS Understanding the unique challenges northern Canadian airstrips face, Midwest Industrial offers a suite of specialized services designed to improve the longevity and performance of unpaved runways. Vitale emphasizes the critical nature of their work. “We have products and systems specifically for improving the engineered properties and performance of unpaved runway surfaces,”he explains. The significant issue in the North is the exposure to high winds, which blow away the gravel and fines 3 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07 MIDWEST INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC.

during aircraft takeoff and landings, creating uneven and potentially unsafe surfaces. “We stabilize the surface and increase the load-bearing strength of the runway and protect the newly installed aggregate.” The company’s approach includes eliminating the problem of foreign object debris (FOD) — loose gravel that can damage aircraft during take-off and landing. “FOD is a major hazard,” Vitale notes. John Burnett, General Manager - Gravel Runway Solutions, adds “When an aircraft lands, it can kick up gravel that damages engines, props, and the aircraft’s body. Our solutions prevent this by stabilizing the runway surface.” The company’s innovations extend to handling moisture and temperature fluctuations. “We use a freeze-thaw stable product that alters moisture penetration into the ground,”says Vitale.This is crucial in preventing the destabilization and weakening of runways due to moisture ingress. By addressing this, Midwest Industrial minimizes regional soft spots and ensures that runways remain robust through the harsh winter freeze-thaw cycles. TAILORED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS FOR RUNWAY INTEGRITY Midwest Industrial stands out not just for its innovative products but also for its comprehensive geotechnical services. Gina Greenlee, Director of Geotechnical Laboratory and Services, highlights the uniqueness of their capabilities. “We have a full geotechnical laboratory where we perform all the design testing for each runway before treatment,” she says. This includes determining the material’s particle size distribution and bearing capacity, as well as how the material properties improve once treated with their products. “This actual design work sets us apart,” Greenlee adds. Translating these technical findings into actionable insights for clients is crucial. “We provide a full laboratory report detailing all the information on their material,” Greenlee explains.This report outlines the current state of the runway materials and offers predictions on how these materials will perform once treated, ensuring clients fully understand the 4 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07

benefits. Matt Mefford, the Soils Lab Manager, elaborates on the process. “We ensure that the treated material’s load-bearing strength meets the design requirements based on the aircraft using the runway,” he says.The team assesses how the material responds to moisture saturation—a key factor affecting strength—and offers recommendations for improving the gravel or granular surface.“We also guide clients on installing our product for optimal performance,” Mefford notes. Beyond lab work, Midwest Industrial provides extensive field support. Greenlee mentions, “We typically have a representative in the field during installation to assist with problem-solving and training on our products and spray systems.” This hands-on approach ensures that installations are executed smoothly and effectively. Burnett highlights the importance of this partnership approach. “These runways are used year-round in various conditions,” he says. Midwest Industrial works closely with customers over multiple years, offering ongoing support and recommendations to maintain runway quality. “Our goal is to help customers preserve their investment, especially after significant expenditures to reconstruct a runway,” he explains. Midwest Industrial’s commitment extends to on-site assessments and field testing. “We analyze runway distresses and recommend solutions to correct and 5 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07 MIDWEST INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC.

prevent these issues,” Vitale states. This proactive stance aims to minimize maintenance costs for communities and provinces, ensuring that runway conditions do not deteriorate and negatively impact residents’ quality of life. FUNDING AND INNOVATION IN RUNWAY UPGRADES Regarding airport upgrades, the financial aspect is critical, especially with the Transport Canada and Provincial Governments providing substantial funding focused on safety. Moe Fenelon, Director of Business Development, brings a wealth of experience to this role. “I use my background in managing a large network of airports, dealing with construction, maintenance, and regulatory compliance,” Fenelon shares. When engaging with potential customers, Fenelon emphasizes a comprehensive approach. “We ask a lot of questions and listen to understand their issues and the level of improvement they want,” he says. This involves not only the airport’s perspective but also the needs of the air carriers.“Air carriers are the ultimate customers of these airports, and we need to understand their requirements.” A significant challenge airport operators face is the shift in the type of aircraft being used.“Manufacturers are moving away from designing aircraft meant to operate on basic historical type gravel runways,” Fenelon notes. This shift necessitates safer, more reliable airports to accommodate new aircraft investments. Midwest Industrial addresses this by collaborating closely with stakeholders. “We don’t just sell a product; we provide a service by developing a program that has the airport owner’s input throughout,” Fenelon explains. INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR LONG-LASTING RUNWAYS Founder Vitale reflects on the evolution of runway preservation. “Initially, the main concern was dust, which indicates the material’s deterioration,” he says. 6 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07

Dust indicates a deeper issue—the fundamental loss of runway material. “We developed an environmentally sensitive chemical product system to preserve the runway in its optimal condition,” he explains. This involves using synthetic fluids and unique binder systems to create a stabilized surface, addressing the problem of loose, unstable gravel. Vitale contrasts their solution with traditional products. “Other products are short-term solutions, lasting only a few months. They are water-soluble or displaced by moisture,” he says. In contrast, his company’s system is built to last. “We’ve tested our product, and it’s still effective four years later,” Vitale adds, citing an example from Ontario where a customer hasn’t needed to add new gravel for ten years. Fenelon provides further insight into the practical benefits.“When aircraft take off and land on untreated runways, they break apart the bond between the aggregate and fines, causing dust and leaving loose stones,” he explains. This not only requires frequent resurfacing but also involves high costs. “Crushing gravel in remote areas can cost up to $200 per cubic meter,” he notes. Midwest Industrial’s solution, combined with its support program, offers a safer, more reliable runway while saving significant time and money. KEY PARTNERSHIPS Midwest Industrial leverages strong partnerships with various vendors and firms to ensure their solutions meet the stringent requirements of aviation authorities.Vitale highlights one such collaboration. “We work with CBR Technologies, a company with decades of experience in testing runways to ensure they meet Transport Canada and FAA requirements,” he says.Additionally, Midwest Industrial collaborates with several engineering firms tasked with construction work for governmental entities that own and operate the runways.“Our products are unique, often patented, and created through a proprietary production process,” Vitale notes, emphasizing the distinctiveness and exclusivity of their offerings. Feedback from airlines has also been instrumental in refining Midwest Industrial’s approach. “Airlines report that our treated runways provide reliable and safe surfaces,” Fenelon shares. He explains the significant cost savings airlines experience by avoiding damage to propellers and fuselages on untreated runways. “When airlines operate on untreated runways, they incur hundreds of thousands of dollars in repairs. Our product can save them substantial amounts.” FUTURE PROOFING FOR MODERN AIRCRAFT The airline industry’s shift towards newer aircraft presents challenges and opportunities for gravel runways. 7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07 MIDWEST INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC.

New aircraft being developed are made of composites easily damaged by FOD debris,” he explains. This transition necessitates upgrades to gravel runways to accommodate these advanced planes. “Modern aircraft are more fuel-efficient, produce fewer emissions, and carry more weight and passengers. But they require better runways,” he states. Fenelon echoes the sentiment, highlighting the pressure on airports to extend runways for larger aircraft. “Communities and airlines are pushing for longer runways to accommodate larger planes with greater payloads,” he says. This demand challenges governments and airport programs to find solutions. “Our company must stay on top of market knowledge and community needs. The support and expertise from our head office, including thorough reports and recommendations from Greenlee and Mefford, are crucial in meeting these demands,” Fenelon asserts. PRIORITIES AND INNOVATIONS FOR THE FUTURE As Midwest Industrial looks to the future, its focus remains on listening to customers and innovating product offerings to meet evolving needs. Fenelon emphasizes the importance of customer engagement. 8 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07


“My focus, especially with the communities in my area, is to meet with our customer base and understand their concerns and priorities,” he explains. By doing so, Midwest Industrial can help these communities provide better services with their available investment dollars. “These communities have diverse needs, and the government is tasked with delivering air transportation and health and medical services. Airports are foundational to these efforts,” Fenelon says. On his part, Vitale outlines an ambitious project that emphasizes the company’s focus on innovation. “We are working with a consortium of northern aircraft and airport operators, along with Transport Canada, to develop an improved runway surface,” he reveals. This project aims to address the limitations of gravel runways without resorting to traditional paved surfaces, which are impractical in certain northern climates due to permafrost and other conditions. “Over the next few years, we will be closely collaborating to create a runway surface that will meet the requirements of the future,”Vitale says. Midwest Industrial’s proactive approach to customer engagement and forward-thinking innovations are set to ensure it remains a key player in the aviation infrastructure sector, continuously striving to meet the needs of remote communities across northern Canada. PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Midwest Industrial Supply Inc. www.midwestind.com Midwest works with gravel runway operators and air carriers creating gravel runway surfaces that minimize runway distresses and FOD serving 100+ runways over 20 years and today offers the latest methods for creating and maintaining unpaved runways meeting the norths future necessities and changing climate and aircraft requirements. 10 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07