Meaford ON

find in much larger communities,” Buckham adds. “Our new Library is a community hub in its own right. Meaford Hall features art galleries and a busy opera house which is home to the Meaford International Film Festival each September. Our waterfront Museum is popular with visitors and residents alike.” ECONOMIC VIBRANCY AND LOCAL BUSINESS SUPPORT As Meaford celebrates a significant milestone, Deputy Mayor Shirley Keaveney shares insights into the town’s thriving economic landscape, and the supportive environment fostered for local businesses. “We’re unbelievably fortunate for the people who choose to live in Meaford and how they want to give back,” she states.This culture of involvement extends into the economic sphere, particularly through the 27th annual Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival as well as the long-standing Apple Harvest Craft Show. She expresses excitement about the ongoing sesquicentennial celebrations, highlighting the community’s cohesion and pride. Focusing on economic initiatives, Keaveney outlines the mechanisms in place to bolster local businesses, especially the family-owned and operated stores that form the backbone of Meaford’s economy. “We offer a Community Improvement Program that includes grants for updating facades, a zero-interest loan program, and a tax increment program which provides a ten-year incentive,” she explains. Moreover, Keaveney notes the success of the Meaford Dragons Den, a local initiative supporting entrepreneurial ventures, much like its namesake television show. “This will be the 15th year for our Dragons Den, which has launched dozens of new businesses over the years. Tracy Marsh, from House ‘n Order was this year’s winner, securing $8000 in cash and in-kind contributions. Lisa Almond from Lisa’s Pet Grooming received $4550 in cash and prizes. Diana Simmons-Smith from Solo-Fit, Stefanie Peel from Le Pooch Boutique, and Christina Sheardown from Sheardown’s Wine Bar and Cuisine also made strong showings and shared in the prizes,” she adds, highlighting the program’s impact. 4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07