Maryland Dept. of Commerce

scenarios.“As long as they’ve got that current license through MSDC and make slots available to parents using the child care scholarship program, providers serving half-day kindergarten or daycare would be eligible,” Fish explains. This flexibility is vital in accommodating the wide range of childcare needs across different communities. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND BEYOND In the changing panorama of dual-income households, access to quality child care is a necessity and a linchpin of economic stability. The Maryland Department of Commerce’s Child Care Support Fund addresses this by providing financial assistance for a range of capital expenses, ensuring that facilities can meet the growing demand and standards of care. “So, in terms of what the funds can be used for,” Fish begins, “we’ve seen applications mainly focusing on renovations to current facilities. This includes repairs, replacing equipment like tables, chairs, toys, and upgrading playground facilities.” These updates are crucial, ensuring children have a safe and enriching environment. Moreover, the fund supports expansions, allowing providers to add capacity, which is increasingly important as more families require childcare services. Beyond the apparent benefits of renovations and upgrades, the program also advances broader community support. “Overall, the biggest benefit ties into the support of the local community,” Fish emphasizes.“It ensures that people are networking in the ecosystem for their career interests while their children are well-served and well-cared for. It all comes down to peace of mind.” Regarding safety, Fish highlights that while the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) ensures providers meet extensive safety requirements, the loan can be used for further safety enhancements. “If there’s a need to upgrade plumbing, electricity, or other safety aspects, the loan proceeds can be utilized to make those improvements,” he says. This ensures that facilities meet regulatory standards and provide the safest possible environment for children. FINANCIAL BENEFITS AND APPLICATION SIMPLICITY One of the most compelling aspects of the Child Care Support Fund is its financial accessibility. Designed to be user-friendly and supportive, the program offers several fiscal benefits, making it an attractive option for childcare providers across Maryland. “The application is straightforward,” Fish notes. “It’s through an online portal, and we open that application window at certain times throughout the year. We advertise that on our website.” This straightforward approach ensures that providers are well-informed about the process and requirements. Fish continues, “We do our best to outline the requirements and materials the applicant needs to provide so they are ready to enter the portal.They’ve readied all their materials, attachments, etc., and hopefully, it can be a brief experience going through that application portal.” Convenience extends to the loan settlement process as well. “The completion of the documents is all 6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07