Manor TX

bring family and friends, and just relax without any cost.” The emphasis on community is not merely lip service; it’s embedded in Manor’s fabric. The city’s recent rebranding efforts reflect this, encapsulated in the “Four Ps” slogan—People, Principles, Purpose, and Partnership.These values are more than words; they guide the city’s initiatives and interactions.“It shows our residents and onlookers that we value people,” Mayor Harvey notes, highlighting the numerous park events that foster a sense of appreciation and belonging. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND STRATEGIC PLANNING In recent years, Manor, Texas, has experienced remarkable economic growth driven by strategic planning and a welcoming business environment. Mayor Harvey emphasizes the importance of streamlined processes and strong community ties. “Word is spreading amongst developers and business owners about working with the Scotts— Scott Moore, our City Manager; Scott Jones, our Economic Development Director; and Scott Dunlop, our Director of Development Services,” he explains. While thorough, the team has created a process that avoids placing unnecessary burdens on developers, making Manor an attractive place for new ventures. Building a sense of community remains at the heart of Manor’s growth strategy. “We talk a lot about building community and ensuring our new partners are invested in and part of the community,” Mayor Harvey says.This inclusive approach resonates with business owners who want to establish their ventures and be integral to the city’s vision and culture. City Manager Scott Moore adds insight into the recent influx of business interest.“Home Depot has broken ground and aims to be completed in eight months,” he notes. This is just one example of how developments are starting to fall into place, thanks to strategic agreements like the 380 agreement approved in 2022.This agreement has paved the way for developments that meet the community’s needs. Moore also mentions other potential business 3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07 MANOR, TX