Imlay City Community Schools

Cameron shares. The dual focus on relationships and teaching proficiency creates a dynamic learning environment where students are motivated and supported. Brown reinforces this: “Building relationships is our number one priority. We know that if kids are comfortable and enjoy being in the classroom, they have a great learning opportunity.” Combined with innovative teaching, this method ensures students are academically successful and enjoy their educational journey. The district employs various teaching methods, from traditional to cutting-edge, to cater to diverse learning needs. Dr. Tallis details the professional development program, including inquiry-based learning training. Encouraging students to investigate, design, and test solutions to real-world problems. The approach not only enhances critical thinking skills but also prepares students for the complexities of the modern world. that began over a decade ago. Dr. Cameron explains, “We engaged in grant-funded work to start an early college program focused on STEM careers. This allowed us to provide medical, engineering, and science students an extensive background.” In collaboration with college partners, the early college program offers students a leg up in these fields, aligning with the district’s commitment to forward- thinking education. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES “We pair positive relationships with expert methodology. Dr. Tallis constructs a professional development program ensuring our teachers receive the best training to engage students effectively”, Dr. 6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07