Gilchrist County Schools

Dr. Surrency and Linda Gar tin, Assistant Superintendent; Dorota Micale, Director of Federal Programs; Lisa Barry,Director of Secondary Education; and Krista Perryman, Director of Elementary Education, provide an overview of the district’s current state and future projections. Despite its smaller size, the district offers various academic and vocational programs, including dual enrollment, AP courses, honors courses, and CTE programs in business, carpentry, and agriculture. Partnerships with Santa Fe College, the University of Florida, and Florida Gateway College help students earn industry certifications and college credits. Gartin highlights the dual enrollment program, where students can earn college credits through academic and vocational tracks. Some even complete their AA degree before graduating high school. Micale discusses the CTE programs, which include business, carpentry, and agricultural pathways. These programs align with high-skill, high-wage job markets to prepare students for successful careers. CELEBRATING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS The district takes immense pride in celebrating its students’ accomplishments. Dr. Surrency and his team have implemented several initiatives to recognize student achievements. These include numerous award banquets and ceremonies, such as baccalaureate and honor nights, where students receive medals, cords, and other forms of recognition. “We celebrate every student’s achievement, whether they reach proficiency or not. Celebrating their growth and success in their programs, no matter their path, sets us apart”, says Perryman. Students excelling in their studies and earning industry certifications are honored through specialized award ceremonies. Valedictorians, salutatorians, and scholarship recipients, like those qualifying for the Bright Futures Scholarship, are recognized for their dedication. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT The Gilchrist County School District’s commitment to workforce development is evident through its vital Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs 3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07 GI LCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS