Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation

we can embrace AI (Artificial Intelligence). Some challenges lie ahead when it comes to AI, but the potential for good vastly outweighs areas where it can be misused. Our responsibility is to find a way to help students, in an educated way, to know how to utilize AI.” THE EVSC ETHOS Dr. Smith articulates his guiding principles and those of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation: “We are a district that not only embraces but lives by continuous improvement.We have an unwavering commitment to getting better.That is the connecting thread. When you marry our thirst for continuous improvement, inherent in that is a requirement that you be very reflective in practice and very humble because you only get better by working on those areas where you have those opportunities for improvement. “On a more specific level, my mantra has been ‘clarity, action, and accountability.’ I want to be incredibly clear about the paths forward so that everyone understands, unequivocally, what we stand for and how we’re going to move forward. Action speaks to your belief. True leaders are clear in their actions so that you know exactly what their beliefs are, and what their north star is. In terms of accountability, we have to make certain that we hold everyone accountable including ourselves. That takes an incredible amount of trust and collaboration and faith in one another.” Finally, when it comes to his students, Smith has this to say: “I want to make certain that our students are developed to the full extent so that they can do whatever they choose to do in their life. We know that they will have many different opportunities for different jobs throughout various stages of their life, but I want them to know how to learn and be those lifelong learners so that they will be prepared for anything that comes their way.” 9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07 EVANSVI LLE VANDERBURGH SCHOOL CORPORAT ION