Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation

“We have counselors and social workers for students that may need additional support, but, universally, we have systems and practices in place to ensure wellness for all of our students,” says Phelps. The district has created a curriculum to develop students’ social, emotional, prosocial, and cognitive self- regulation skills. This curriculum, in part, develops resilience and agency so our students can persist when there are academic or social challenges. INFRASTRUCTURE AND TECHNOLOGY School districts are more than just their human inhabitants. They contain the buildings and other physical structures that must be constructed and maintained. “We have 5.1 million square feet under roof and we take on improvements based upon the demonstrated needs of our buildings,” says Smith. “We have upgraded our schools with safety and security in mind; we built a new elementary school 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07 EVANSVI LLE VANDERBURGH SCHOOL CORPORAT ION