Crossfield AB

Willms describes. He explains that the company partners with local post-secondary institutions such as Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Olds College, and Red Deer Polytechnic, to offer apprenticeship programs in carpentry, electrical, HVAC, and plumbing. “Having the ability to have all of those journeyman and trades persons in the house is a terrific opportunity for the next generation to learn within our construction environment,” he asserts. This initiative not only supports local youth but also helps to address skilled trades shortages in the region. CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT As Crossfield continues to grow, CAO Kinza Barney says that maintaining and improving core infrastructure is a priority. She mentions significant advancements in wastewater treatment, such as the implementation of a fine bubble aeration system, which enables treated effluent to be used for irrigation and agricultural purposes, including irrigation of the local golf course. This initiative supports provincial water conservation efforts by reducing the use of potable water.Additionally, some treated effluent is sold for fracking purposes, further optimizing water usage. However, Barney admits that growth will increase demand for wastewater capacity, and the town is finalizing a wastewater feasibility study to explore upgrading facilities or alternative solutions. “In the interim, we’ll continue to utilize the options we have to manage capacity. But undoubtedly, a significant investment will be required in this area to support future growth, recognizing that such developments will also require external financial support,” she conveys. Lang also points out the need for a new school in the growing community, sharing that the current two schools are operating at over 90% capacity— significantly above the province’s 85% threshold. “We’re going to be watching our numbers go over 100% utilization in the next couple of years,” she admits. Mayor Harris echoes the importance of this initiative, stating the need to ensure Crossfield’s 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07 CROSSF IELD, AB