Coolidge AZ

public safety and lowers insurance premiums for businesses and residents.” Mayor Thompson recounts the journey: “When I first started, we had an ISO rating of five. The mayor and council wanted us to go full-time, and once we did that and made a few other improvements, our rating increased to a three. This benefits local businesses because a higher insurance rating from fire response generally means better insurance rates.” Reflecting on the fire chief’s contributions,Thompson adds, “We have one of the best fire chiefs in the country. He served in Oklahoma City during the bombing and was a combat medic in Iraq and South Korea. He’s been instrumental in improving our fire department.” Mayor Thompson adds, “We’ve seen our local baseball and soccer teams double in size. The new park facilities will help accommodate this growth and provide a space for our community to gather and stay active.” The park master plan is designed to evolve with the community’s needs. “As our population grows, we’ll continue to add new amenities and improve existing ones,” says Lopez.“This ensures that the park remains a vibrant and welcoming space for everyone.” ISO RATING UPGRADE Establishing a full-time fire department has significantly improved Coolidge’s emergency response capabilities. “Our ISO rating has increased to a three,” notes Miller. “This upgrade enhances 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 07 COOL IDGE, AZ