Consolidated Minerals Inc

exploring new market opportunities beyond the core pool construction industry and delivering the benefits of those successes back to the employee owners. Equally crucial, CMI leadership is committed to employee engagement and development, striving to help every employee step into and enjoy their role as an owner in the ESOP. This means regular, transparent communication with employees about the company’s performance and its role in their long-term success. Operationally, efficiency and quality are also key for CMI. Streamlining processes, leveraging vertical integration, and ensuring top-notch customer service differentiate this ESOP in the competitive pool construction market. Additionally, its strong, reliable relationships with suppliers and partners are another vital factor in its performance. These partnerships are cultivated with the same care and attention as customer relationships, emphasizing the unique value of working with an employee-owned company. Success for CMI looks like a blend of share price growth, employee satisfaction, and operational excellence. It is reflected in a thriving business that exceeds its financial targets, has an engaged and motivated workforce, and has a reputation for delivering superior products and services. A COMPANY SEED GROWN FROM A LOCAL ICON’S VISION Consolidated Minerals was founded in 1971 by F. Browne Gregg, a philanthropic entrepreneur and World War II veteran regarded as a local icon by the Leesburg community. The company was later incorporated in 2001, and as Gregg’s health declined, he bequeathed CMI to the local Leesburg Hospital and Cornerstone Hospice upon his passing in 2014. 3 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07 CONSOLIDATED MINERALS INC.