Palmview TX
6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP partners that help mold the city’s future. Working collaboratively is the key, city officials believe and this is reflected in the group effort that is prioritized from the city perspective. The Future Of A Growing City With A Big Heart In the next few years, the city wants to keep the positive momentum moving forward. With large-scale projects like Main Street, new developers, and retailers will be knocking on the door to be invited in. This combined with one of the only Fire Departments in the area that also provides ambulance services, the quality of life and other amenities make Palmview an attractive place to set up business. With ten national brands either currently in progress or moving forward to construction with increased new interest, which is in the early planning stages, the growth won’t stop. Palmview’s sales tax has increased between 12 to 15 percent annually over the last four years and the trend will continue. Using mobile data analytics over 183,000 visitors make an estimated 1.76M trips to the Palmview HEB to shop, from areas all around and outside the city. As our commercial development continues, this trend will continue and grow as we offer additional services and retail providers. Sales tax increased 69% from 2017 to 2022. And with the growing communities, which are often multi-generational, the suburbs are bound to develop into model areas that everyone would love to call home. But all-in-all, it’s a place that has a big heart for all who want to call Palmview, Texas home.
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