12 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 especially for a city of our size ,so we formed a partnership with groups that have an interest in seeing this project through to fruition” he relays. “The Elmore County Board of Education is one of them because our schools are very interested in utilizing the sports facilities with their programs. tThe Elmore County Commission and the Elmore County Economic Development Authority as well as the Grandview YMCA are our other partners.” The city is anticipating that new commercial development along the Highway 14 corridor along with this state-of-the-art youth sports facility will bring in families and tourists to the area through youth traveling sporting events. “Our location is centralized.” the Mayor points out. “We are right in the center of Alabama and on the interstate that runs right through Alabama so we are hoping some of those tournaments will come here. The 17 Springs development will be paying for itself with the revenue that is generated from those travel ball moms and dads coming and spending time with us.”