11 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 able to secure a one-acre parcel that will see a seafood restaurant take up residence, in addition to an upscale Mexican restaurant that is already in the Millbrook area and has its sights set on moving into the new commercial space soon. “We approved a contractor to come in there [Marketplace at 17 Springs] and start clearing out the majority of the trees that are in there which will open up the property to make it attractive to potential commercial tenants as well as opening up the visibility to the sports complex itself,” the Mayor notes. The Mayor also raises the point that the development of this commercial property as well as the construction of the sports complex did not happen as a single entity effort, rather has evolved and progressed in large part due to the partners that have been on board with the project since the beginning. “This is a huge project to take on by ourselves, MILLBROOK, ALABAMA