Lyndhurst OH

IX CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 Chief Patrick Rhode for his SPAN efforts. “We have a SWAT team,” said Ward, “a bomb squad, an accident-investigation unit, a drug- enforcement unit and so on. These groups are very important to the communities they serve. Not all communities can afford drug- enforcement units and SWAT units. But as a collaborative, we can afford to purchase the equipment and to train and devote the personnel for this. That serves our greater community well.” And the mayor admires the group’s impeccable training. One morning, he saw the SWAT team getting ready to deploy. “They just looked formidable,” he said, praising them for their thorough training, their skills in de-escalation efforts and more. “They were all hanging on to the side of the armored truck. It was something. “All of our people train,” he added with