Lyndhurst OH

VI CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 LYNDHURST, OHIO He shared a humorous memory of his school days. “I was in detention once,” he recalled, and from a window, “I saw my friends pushing my car out of the parking lot––just as a joke.” Ward quickly alerted one of his teachers, who was also, as was common in those days, a priest. “I said, ‘Father! Father, they’re stealing my car!’” he said with a chuckle. “And he said, ‘Mr. Ward, you have to come back after you get your car.’ I guess I should have locked it!” He also noted his class’s impending 50-year reunion. Classmate Tim Myers was Ward’s best friend then, and he remains so to this day. “Those are good memories,” the mayor observed, “and I’m looking forward to rekindling some of the relationships.” In addition to his mayoral duties, Ward is also keeping himself busy these days with his