Greenville TX

10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Greenville Chamber of Commerce n L3Harris n Paris Junior College n Sabert campuses is located in Greenville. And another project is a planned multi-use recreational facility. And Sims noted Greenville’s plum location at the confluence of multiple major highways. This, he said, places the city in a prime spot for distribution and industrial properties, and it’s ideal for business relocation. As Greenville grows, Ransom said he wants to see it nevertheless maintain its small- town feel. McBay shared that sentiment. “It’s not blowing smoke,” he said. “I know that other places may say that. But if you come down here, and you go out into the community, this is what you’re going to see. You’re going to see friendly people, who will talk with you.” Saxton agreed, citing tourism. “I want people to leave here and feel like our city has people with big hearts,” she said. McBay mentioned the friendliness of strangers in grocery stores. “And they don’t know me,” he added. “But they’ll say, ‘Hey, how’re you doing today?’ And we’ll chat about whatever is going on.” On that cheery note, McBay said the City is working on a new branding campaign for tourism: “Greenville––A City with a Heart.” Corrales also extolled the good folks of Greenville. “The people,” she revealed, “are the reason I came back.”