Covington GA

10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 hand with city partners including Nissinbo Automotive, Three Ring Studios, Ascend Elements, General Mills, Absolics, and Archer Aviation. These companies are either moving into the area to set up operations or extending their operations in the area. Beyond these productive collaborative public-private efforts, Covington can also lay claim to the utilization of an EPD- sponsored Land Application System (LAS) working with another partner, the Newton County Water & Sewage Authority. “The LAS is 2000 acres of jointly-owned vegetated land that naturally filters wastewater while growing trees for timber, soybeans for livestock feed, and providing vegetation for local wildlife,” Malcolm summarizes. On the sustainability side, Covington has gone the extra ‘green mile’ by partnering PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Covington, GA (City of) Known as Hollywood ofthe South™ , Covington, Georgia’s film history started over 70 years ago. Yet Covington is more than an idyllic landscape for a movie set. Covington is rich with industry, diversity, history and a strong sense of community. It is a city where good intentions become great opportunities. with a local nonprofit, Sustainable Newton to “integrate environmentally sustainable initiatives and programs intended to improve city operations and costs, while educating our citizenry on sustainable opportunities in their community,” Thomas describes. Also noteworthy, Covington is among a minority of cities that can boast the inclusion of a public compressed natural gas-filling station, Green Fuels Facility, in the entire state of Georgia. The city has also ensured the inclusion of electric vehicle charging stations to offer its residents. What lies down the southern path If there is one thing that the city would like to project to both its residents and the broader public, it is its obvious civic pride. “We recognize the importance of telling our story,” Thomas offers. Covington has prioritized the methods of delivery to broadcast its story “We tell this story through many avenues including community partnerships, media advertisements, and investing tourism revenue in larger marketing campaigns,” the Mayor details. Something tells us that the word is already out about this little southern gem, and if it is not, it will be soon enough.