Blackfalds AB

6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 this master plan, which is a huge success,” he said. “We have to build another one, because we have people who’d like to see one on the other side of town. We have Highway Two-A that separates our town. We have the east side and the west side. We are trying to even things out, so people don’t get jealous of each other. We don’t want to have more on one side of town than the other. “Also,” he continued, “we’re looking at a new high school. It’s also our responsibility through the master plan to build a new football field. The biggest thing we are seeing here in the next year or two is the new high school. We have never had a high school. We have kids ages 15 to 18 having to go out of our community: either going to Lacombe or to Red Deer. They are building a $42 million state-of-the-art high school here. I say this to people, and I know I’m right on this: this community has become a community of choice for Central Alberta. In 2006, it wasn’t a community of choice. But now, you’re seeing a community of choice in Central Alberta, and families want to move here. Because of the strong amenities that