Transportation Association of Canada

6 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 among buyers, entrepreneurs and practitioners. Transportation in the Years Ahead This is an exciting time to be in the transportation sector – there is a lot of growth and change happening at a rapid pace. Innovative developments and technology applications are having profound impacts on demand for, and construction, operation, maintenance and delivery of infrastructure and services. Intelligent systems, automated and connected vehicles, drones, de- carbonization efforts and other exciting initiatives are changing transportation as we know it. Governments across the country are investing to build and maintain our transportation systems and supply chains. Public and private sector players are working together and opportunities to improve safety, mobility, sustainability, resilience, equity and efficiency are burgeoning. TAC itself is transforming along with the sector. It recently added a Technology Council and several related committees to support information exchange and problem-solving related to intelligent transportation systems, connected and automated vehicles, vehicle electrification, data management, cybersecurity and smart cities. TAC member organizations who are leaders and innovators in using new technology have the opportunity to share their work and create new best practices through TAC’s network. The future holds great promise as stakeholders across all sectors work together to evolve transportation in support of Canada’s social and economic goals. TAC’s membership is open and inclusive. The Association’s work relies on – and is made better by – having a broad range of perspectives and skill sets at its tables. Businesses and organizations that offer products and services relevant to roads, highway and urban transportation infrastructure, and operations should not hesitate to join TAC. There’s no better place to meet others in the field – customers, clients and colleagues – to understand needs and share solutions. Ultimately, thanks to the collaboration of experts through TAC, Canadians benefit from real improvements in our transportation systems.