Transportation Association of Canada

3 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 6 TRANSPORTAT ION ASSOCIAT ION OF CANADA TAC’s Origins Originally formed in 1914 as the Dominion Good Roads Association, a key purpose was to promote the construction of a superior national road network. Legend has it the motto at the time was “Get out of the mud”. In the 100+ years since, members’ needs have changed and TAC has worked to meet those needs. Since the mid-1950s, the focus has been providing specialized technical resources for transportation professionals on the planning, design, construction, management, operations and maintenance of roads, highways and urban transportation infrastructure systems and services. TAC provides a forum for sharing ideas and information, building knowledge and pooling resources toward the vision of “transportation that makes Canada safe, healthy and prosperous”. Who is TAC? 500+ organizations, including all the federal, provincial and territorial departments of transportation, hundreds of municipalities and businesses like contractors, consulting firms and suppliers, and academic institutions and associations, are TAC’s members. All employees of member organizations can benefit from their TAC membership. Benefits include preferred pricing on publications,