Wickenburg, Arizona
6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7 TOWN OF WI CKENBURG, AR I ZONA BearCat Manufacturing has been building highway maintenance equipment since the late 1970’s in Wickenburg, Arizonia. Since its inception, its technical innovations have spurred higher performance levels throughout the industry. BearCat is a subsidiary of Etnyre International, a growing, family- owned manufacturer of road maintenance, repair and rehabilitation equipment. BearCat Manufacturing was established in Wickenburg, Arizona in 1977 by Ken Hill and in May 2015 was acquired by Etnyre International. Etnyre International is composed of four different entities Etnyre, BearCat, Rayner Equipment Systems, and SMF. Currently BearCat has four production lines of road maintenance equipment with plans of expanding to eleven production lines in the near future. A few of the products they make at BearCat are Distributors, Chipspreaders, and Cracksealers. At BearCat they specialize a granulated rubber asphalt spreader which is essential for moving large amounts of viscous material. The Distributor has extra- large inlet pipes, high-performance diesel burners and an internal auger, so that viscous materials are easy to transport. With all this growth BearCat is providing excellent employment opportunities for the Wickenburg community. The Etnyre family is proud to be a creator or jobs and equipment in the USA. We succeed based on the care and value we provide to our Customers, Members, Communities and the World. Customer loyalty means everything. BearCat products and services deliver superior value through meaningful investments in our members and capabilities. ...... For more information, please visit our website www.bearcatmfg.com Downtown Wickenburg has always been a focus for Town Council, whether it’s revitalizing the historic houses or supporting local businesses. “As a tourism destination, our downtown retailers are the bread and butter of our community,” asserts Suan. “We offer resources like the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) or the nonprofit SCORE, which helps small businesses get off the ground. We’re trying to expand our offerings.” Recently, workforce attraction and retention has increasingly become more of an issue, but ARIZONA@WORK, the statewide workforce network, has devoted a full-time workforce development employee to Wickenburg. This is a first for the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, and now career and college fairs are being held to introduce high school and post-secondary students to the area’s industries and employers. Currently, Wickenburg’s largest industry is the rodeo, and the town is considered a mecca for
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