Southern Nevada Homebuilders Association

3 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 7 AT A GLANCE SOUTHERN NEVADA HOMEBUILDERS ASSOCIATION WHAT: A 500-member association representing Southern Nevada’s residential construction industry WHERE: Las Vegas, Nevada WEBSITE: DA HOMEBUILDERS T he Southern Nevada Homebuilders Association (SNHBA) was founded by 12 local builders in 1953 to represent the residential construction industry in the region, and is the oldest local trade association in the state. With 650 Home Builder Associations throughout the United States, there is also a National Association known as the NAHB. Nat Hodgson, CEO of SNHBA, explains how these agencies fit together, sharing, “Wherever homebuilding is happening, you have a homebuilder’s association. I run the Southern Nevada chapter which is an affiliate of NAHB. We are the advocacy arm for the residential homebuilding industry at the local government level for the state of Nevada. So pretty much, the voice, of residential homebuilding.” The Southern Nevada Homebuilders Association is one of only two HBAs in Nevada, although many states have multiple associations. According to Hodgson, “North Carolina has over 50 separate HBAs, and a separate state association. Myself and my partner up north, we actually share the responsibility to the state of Nevada. Once every other month, we meet with four members of his board and four members of mine to talk about state policy. That’s pretty good collaboration.” The SNHBA, has a diverse membership of 500, including builders and trade associate members, suppliers, manufacturers, mortgage companies, and homeowners’ association management companies. Hodgson maintains that the membership number is technically much higher. He explains, “We have a full-fledged membership and then we have affiliate members. A builder who joins gets two members because they pay the homebuilding membership. Now, I will treat every one of their employees like a member because they belong to the company member. So, they’re not a member of record.” While many HBAs will not include employees in association events, unless they pay an affiliate membership fee, Hodgson admits, “I’d rather get ating affordable homes for all