Pulaski County, Virginia
9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7 Pulaski County is already breaking records for new residential builds, finding creative and strategic ways to address the region’s housing shortage by repurposing some of their existing infrastructure. “We’ve transitioned to working alongside private developers on residential projects to convert two former schools,” Sweet reports. “That alone is going to put over 200 residential units in our inventory and will do so relatively quickly. They’re in the process of brownfield remediation right now and we’re wrapping that up so we can move forward with renovations. With these projects under way, developers in the county are now working on everything from affordable housing, market-rate rental housing, mid-level, to higher end homes. The community will be offering up a full gamut of housing options for every level of consumer interest.” “We’re working with some community partners to adapt the old Calfee School, which was a
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