Rancho Cucamonga, California

In some cities and their suburbs, the real estate development community too often is cast in an evil light, as profiteering enterprises with no concern for the neighborhoods where they seek to invest. At JRC, we like to partner with the cities to work on a collaborative plan to help ensure our projects are a partnership of vision on what the city and residents want to see for the future of development. We feel building just for profit is not a feasible vision, and one that leaves many pitfalls. We would rather build product which meets the city’s needs and the community’s desires. We feel partnering with cities like Rancho Cucamonga and sharing their vision has helped us standout from our competition and makes JRC who we are today. For more information, please visit our website jrcrealestateinvestments.com JRC is a real estate development company that was organized in 2013 to develop residential and commercial properties in California. JRC is an entrepreneurial firm with an institutional mindset. We believe the key to success is partnering with cities, businesses, and the brokerage community. With over $150M in projects completed in the last 60 months, JRC continues to meet the needs of local communities and businesses it serves. With our hands-on approach, JRC manages the properties from acquisition, construction, and our long-term hold strategy. This integrated approach results in the entire organization being fully accountable for the success of the investment. With in-house construction management & design development, JRC continues to overachieve as we can control cost and value engineer when faced with adversity. Being able to change direction at the drop of a hat and adapt to every changing market condition provides multiple layers of exit strategies ensuring maximum returns and management of risk. “The team is creative. Always pushing the limits while trying to deliver a first-class product that improves the community. From a city perspective its great to work with someone whose values are aligned with the city’s goals. “ John Gillison, City Manager of Rancho Cucamonga