Texas Municipal League

to cultivate good relationships with all parties. “Right now, more so than probably any point in our 105 year history, we have more things in common with the business community and the business lobby in Texas than ever before. The legislature is kind of moving off into extremes on both sides in a way that makes the business community feel like they’re not really as in touch or not really in charge of the things in Texas anymore. In the last year we’ve had close relations - cities have and our League has - with commerce chambers and chamber umbrella organizations and other lobby groups, because it was just good old-fashioned infrastructure and economic development that built Texas and made it an economic juggernaut. But the legislature’s tending to move away from that with these caps and restrictions on economic development and other things. So, we just formed more of an alliance, more of a common purpose, with old-fashioned business lobby groups than ever before. That’s a good thing for us because we didn’t always see eye-to-eye with them. We don’t always see eye-to-eye on certain city regulations. But for the most part, we’re pretty much aligned around sensible economic development tools that are just not as attractive as they used to be to some legislators, and it’s a growing trend, I think.” pictured El Paso, Texas pictured Anson, Texas