Texas Municipal League

a minimal staff, was about to undergo a great growth process. Staffing was increased, dues were raised, and the new TML took on a programmatic approach to service. During the 1970s, TML member cities called upon the League to assist in the formation of insurance pools specifically designed to meet municipal needs. In 1974, the TML Workers’ Compensation Joint Insurance Fund was established. A statewide group life and health insurance program was established in 1979, and in 1982, a liability and property insurance fund was established, today known as risk pools. Today, 1,160 Texas cities are members of the Texas Municipal League. The League exists solely to provide services to Texas cities, to serve their needs and advocate their interests and those of city officials. Indeed, the TML Constitution states that the purpose of the League is “to render services which individual cities have neither time, money, nor strength to do alone.” In practice, that mission translates into the following services: • To represent the interests of member cities before legislative, administrative, and judicial bodies at the state and federal levels. • To sponsor and conduct an annual conference and other conferences, seminars, meetings, and workshops for the purpose of studying municipal issues and exchanging information regarding municipal government. TEXAS MUNI C I PAL LEAGUE