
KOOLJET markets. He is a professional engineer, and the driving force in coming up with the bulk of the designs to deal with our customers’ needs. I’ve been in the industry over 30 years, and have business experience. I’m hoping to combine my strengths with JD’s technical abilities to grow the company and achieve more success because there is definitely a need for our products. Although we have some standard parameters that we try to design to, primarily there is some custom component or design involved.” BVM: Besides the tuna freezer, what other unique products have you created? Occhicone: “The other big feature that JD designed takes advantage of cool, fresher weather, especially in the northeastern, U.S. and parts of Canada. When the temperature drops below a specific setpoint outdoors, we are able to shut down the unit and achieve free cooling. The customer is then paying practically nothing for their cooling. That’s a huge benefit because they’re able to take advantage of the cold weather we’re blessed with and apply it to their process and their application. Anytime something is free, it catches people’s attention.” Wasir: “We have some units in Nunavut, and this free cooling that Pat mentioned is perfect for them. Because, although, we get temperatures below minus 20 in Ontario, it’s not that often. In Nunavut, they go six months with temperatures of minus 30 degrees and below, and they’re still using this free cooling option. When they learn about our units and the free cooling, they realize it’s a big energy saver. We were able to do some math and show them how much energy and cost they can save by not running the compressor.” Occhicone: “There is a lot of competition but not in the same approach that we take. Generally, people use conventional HVAC equipment for cooling and you can’t achieve free cooling, or the cost and energy savings we offer, with that equipment. We are the exclusive supplier of refrigeration to the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario). And we’re currently working with Costco – we supplied one of their facilities in Minnesota last year