JP Services

contractors and pipeline builders to actual asset owners and operators. “Pipelines are required to be recertified for certain periods – some lines every five years, some every seven,” Chad explains. “That sector of the market is known as the ‘integrity division’ within these operators. So, we started honing in on working with the integrity divisions of the larger asset owners to attain consistent work; not relying so much on new construction, but relying on the regulations that the government has placed on companies to keep their pipelines in compliance.” This past year, JP Services earned $44 million in revenue, up from $25 million the year before. The company has 126 employees and offers pipeline cleaning, both chemical and mechanical, in addition to its pipeline integrity and maintenance services, and, just recently, it added three new service lines – the most prominent being a water management component. “The water solution is a great differentiator. It has a great impact on how the industry uses water,” says Justin. “We can safely and environmentally-friendly source, transfer, JP SERV I CES