BC Instruments

needs to become, what he calls, “the employer of choice.” “How do you make the environment ideal for people who want to make this a lifelong choice?” he queries. The answer, he reflects, is to look at the problem from the relationship side. “We try to build relationships based on mutual trust and respect,” he explains. “If you do that on the customer side, you’ll continue to get opportunities; if you do it on the employee side, they’ll get the opportunities. They’ll advance; they’ll get more technically competent; they’ll get more comfortable taking on challenges and with challenges comes responsibility. And by doing that, it will help us meet our customers’ needs. So, if we have that balance – the business side of being a supplier of choice, and also being an employer of choice, it’s sustainable, and we should be able to continue well into the future.” Contemplating that future, Roger says that a long-term company agenda is to continue to be globally competitive by eliminating waste in all its forms. “So, we’re trying to instill the concept of continuously taking small steps