Weston Forest

Rhone notes,“We have a trading group, and a dis- tribution group, each with numerous segments, and a specific market focus. In late 2000,we took that model and identified eight different market segments that we wanted to partici- pate in, and we’re building up the businesses that could stand alone and op- erate independently.There is potential at some point in the future for Weston Forest to become eight different companies if we choose to go through that process again.The advantage of that is to create enough scale to operate an independent business that gives em- ployees the opportunity to share in the equity that they’re building.Having said that, this would only happen if it was a benefit to our people; division is not the goal, it’s just a possibility.” As for competition, Rhone states the obvious. “There is nothing unique in our product offering.We sell lumber and ply- wood–there isn’t anything too special about a piece of 2 x 4.What we do is create a value-add- WESTON FOREST TallyWorks Lumber is the complete solution for managing all aspects of the wood products industry beyond primary breakdown. Its customized system is scalable for hardwood mills, remanufacturing plants, specialty and value-added plants, distribu- tion centers, plywood and veneer production and wholesaling operations. TallyWorks Lumber integration with TallyWeb provides remote access to all real time inventory for sales people and to the customer dashboard anywhere, anytime. TallyWorks Logs and Lumber can also be linked to achieve complete tracking from standing timber to finished product. TallyWorks Lumber provides complete accounting system integration and is com- patible with almost every known financial system. Costing is always accurate as it adds costs at each stage of production. TallyWorks Lumber provides instant market values at time of quoting, individual product trends, market pricing and assists with accurate product forecasting. Real time. Real data. TradeTec is proud to be Weston’s choice supplier for Lumber information and Inventory control systems. Weston’s sense of quality and attention to detail has helped TradeTec develop the best of class inventory system to meet their exceptional growth needs and customer demands for up to the second infor- mation. We look forward to sharing many years of growth in Weston’s future in meeting the ever changing and challenging marketplace.