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CREATING VALUE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SUPPLY CHAIN | 1-888-668-4626 Three coasts, seven major ports, one railway accessing them all... that’s us. We offer a complete logistics service - with support throughout your entire supply chain - giving you a true competitive advantage in reaching new markets worldwide. the outset.All of that is going to result in awood pellet demand of somewhere in the region of 12 million tons a year.At themoment,the demand in the UK is somewhere around six to sevenmillion tons a year.So,you’re looking at a doubling over the next five years.That’s created a huge demand for additional capacitycoming out of highly sustainable areas,such as Canada.With that wind blowing firmly at our backs,wewant to growsubstantially in the years ahead.There’s a continued high demand from Europe,but there’s also an increasing demand from Asia,and given our geography,we’re verywell set up to supply toAsia,and that’s beenmy focus for the last couple of years–developing a decent supply base that we can support for the next 10,20 years.” Finally, Bassett is firm in his conviction that re- placing fossil fuels with wood pellets, both for res- idential consumption (Pinnacle sells 40-pound bags of pellets through retail outlets,which go directly tomore than onemillion homes,businesses,and schools inNorthAmerica for heating fuel),as well as renewable fuel for power generation,is important in aworld that is increasinglybeing impacted by climate change and global warming.“We are help- ing to de-carbonize electricityaround theworld,”he declares.“People have to do something; we can’t continue theway things are.And anychange that we canmake that’s in the right direction should bewel- comed and supported.At Pinnacle,we are passion- ate about exactly that kind of change–we think of it as sustainability all the way from seedling to burner tip.” PINNACLE RENEWABLE ENERGY INC. TRUSTED TRADE SERVICES FROM SGS Trading is a complex and specialized process involving several stakeholders. It is essential to assess and mitigate the associated trade risks. We provide a trusted global network of experts who look at all aspects of trade activity to assess associated risks, offering impartial, objective advice and assistance. MINERALS@SGS.COM WWW.SGS.COM/TRADE Business View Publishing - half page ad.indd 1 2017-06-07 10:22:56 AM PREFERRED VENDORS n The Andersons Inc. The Andersons is a diversified company rooted in agriculture, conducting business across North America in the grain, etha- nol, plant nutrient, and rail sectors. The Rail Group provides a variety of services to the rail industry including fleet manage- ment, leasing, repair, and custom fabrication. The Group has a fleet of more than 23,000 various railcars and locomotives that it leases, manages and sells. n Norden Norden was founded in 1871, making it one of Denmark’s oldest internationally operating shipping companies. It op- erates in dry cargo and product tankers worldwide. The com- pany’s head office is in Hellerup, Denmark and has offices in Singapore, China, the U.S., Brazil, India, Chile, and Australia. In 2018, Norden will be providing safe, reliable transportation of 3.5 million tons of Pinnacle wood pellets from Western Canada to Europe. In the commodities merchandising business, service and prices go hand in hand, and Interstate Commodities’ strategy is to offer the best of both to its customers. In so doing, we can stay committed to you and the future. COMMITTED TO YOU