
D uffield Associates is a growing service provider of geoscience technology. Established in 1976, this award-winning en- gineering firm has aggressively implemented energy saving, water conservation, and sustainable practices throughout its offices and facilities. From con- structing a new green building, to a pioneer- ing recycling program, to geothermal climate control, to adaptive reuse, “living green” is a full-time priority for the company’s talented and dedicated team of professionals. Guy Marcozzi, President and CEO of Duffield Associates, elaborates on this impressive con- sulting firm and its laudable ‘green’ initiatives. “Geotechnical engineering is a relatively new profession only formally practiced since the AT A GLANCE DUFFIELD ASSOCIATES, INC. WHAT: Engineering & science consulting firm specializing in civil, environmental, and geo- technical engineering; construc- tion review and testing services WHERE: Corporate headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware WEBSITE: www.duffnet.com DUFFIELD ASSOCIATES, INC. CHAMPIONS OF SOIL, WATER, AND THE ENVIRONMENT DUFFIELD ASSOCIATES, INC. GUY MARCOZZI PRESIDENT AND CEO