Roswell International Air Center

PREFERRED VENDORS n Dean Baldwin Painting Dean Baldwin Painting LP.  is an aircraft painting company committed to provid- ing unsurpassed quality and dependable return-to-service times.  The techs at Dean Baldwin Painting service hundreds of aircraft each year for major airlines, regional airlines, military and corporate clients, always striv- ing to provide the best value while exceed- ing customer expectations. For more information or assistance reserv- ing your paint schedule, please see our web site, or call 830 438-5340.    n General Airframe Support General Airframe Support is an ASA-ac- credited distributor of aircraft parts and accredited by AFRA in the disassembly and recycling of aircraft. Headquartered in Roswell, NM, the company maintains an inventory of more than 80,000 ready-to-ship parts, instant access to dozens of aircrafts, and additional distribution hubs in Mojave. In addition, the company has an extensive network of brokers, suppliers, and other resources to help get grounded planes back in the air. As a privately held company, General Airframe Support has created a team with vast experience and industry knowledge. It has grown from buying and selling rotable and consumable components to offering strategic solutions for meeting the inventory needs of its customers and suppliers. Along the way, it has earned a reputation for integ- rity and fairness, attracting alliances around the world. As a result, customers enjoy an efficient sales process and unprecedented value on all their supply needs, no matter how hard the part is to find. THE ROSWELL INTERNATIONAL AIR CENTER in this airport to be a worldwide maintenance operation. We already are in a small way.With the storage capacity to store airliners out here, we can put up to 800 airliners on the ground.We currently have about 200, so we’re nowhere near capacity. Right now, the four or five com- panies doing the maintenance and the repair teardown is a huge asset to the international airline world with parts on the older airliners that they can get nowhere else. So, that’s a huge asset that we currently have, and that we’re working hard to exploit, but there’s a ton of room for growth in that. “And, we have been involved in the research and de- velopment world with various companies over the years with their prototypes and all of the airline manufacturing companies visit us regularly. And there’s also room for much, much more of that. As all of that grows, we see the city growing, the airport growing, and the airline service growing.” Kintigh agrees: “We have the air space for flight train- ing; we have the ability for flight testing; we have the runways and the taxiway; we have the basic infrastruc- ture; and we have the ground for the expansion of facil- ities,” he declares. “So, the potential to expand on all this is incredible.” about 250 acres were deeded over to the college,” explains Chad Smith, Assistant Vice President for Technical Education at Eastern New Mexico Uni- versity-Roswell. “We assumed ownership of many of the buildings on the base –officers’ club, mess hall, a number of dorms, meeting facilities – so, it was a huge boon for the college. Because it was on an Air Force base, and because aviation is so integral to Roswell, New Mexico, it immediately took on an aviation focus. “Over the last few decades, the focus has pri- marily been air frame and power plant mainte- nance.We’re an FAA Part 147 school; we graduate about 20 licensed A&P students a year, and we have a 100 percent placement rate –much of that is right here in the local area. Local em- ployers need every graduate and could employ an additional 50 graduates, right here in Chaves County, if those students desire to stay here.We are also a CTI collegiate training institute with the FAA for air traffic control. “About two years ago, in light of the Boeing study that talked about the tremendous need for airline pilots, the campus began an initiative to become a Part 141 Flight School. That program is getting off the ground and we’ve had a great response.We’re currently formed under FAA Part 61 and we’re moving towards the 141.Within the next 18 months, we’ll be a full-fledged profes- sional pilot training center. So, our mission is to support Roswell, the work force, and the Air Cen- ter, and we’ve had ample opportunity to do that and some pretty significant successes, as well.” Going forward, Stark believes that RIAC’s poten- tial is virtually unlimited: “We have the capacity on the MRO side of it with only one thing missing –we don’t have enough large hangar space. But, if that were in place, we have the capacity here